Write for Us

Welcome to the OrangeMantra Section, a platform for creative writers to showcase their talent. We are excited to feature your brilliant, practical, and enlightening articles on the latest trends in IT, web development, and design technology.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our submission guidelines, which help us maintain consistency and quality in our content:

Submission Guidelines:

1. Uniqueness: Ensure that your write-up is 100% unique, providing fresh insights to our readers.

2. Word Limit: Keep your article within the range of 700 to 1,500 words.

3. Captivating Title: Craft an incredible title that piques the curiosity of our readers.

4. Formatting: Enhance readability by using subheadings. Additionally, emphasize important sentences using bold or italics.

5. Engagement: Summarize your article and include a compelling call to action to engage readers further.

6. Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread your post to correct any spelling and grammatical errors.

7. Images: You may include images, but remember to provide proper references for their sources.

8. Promotion: Utilize social networking sites to promote your post, expanding its reach.

9. Attribution: Always give proper attribution to your sources when referencing external content.

10. Content Focus: Articles or blogs should offer valuable information or insights into the latest technical advancements. Promotional write-ups are not accepted.

11. Author Bio: Along with your article, submit a brief biography. You may include only one link in your author bio.

12. Relevance: Ensure that your write-up falls within the categories we cover. 

Here's a list of our topics:

  • Android App
  • iPhone Apps
  • Business
  • Designing
  • Development
  • Healthcare
  • Marketing
  • PHP
  • SEO
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Software Development

Remember, creativity and knowledge know no boundaries. Feel free to submit any write-up that contributes to the credibility of our blog and benefits our readers.

Submission Process:

To submit your article, please send it along with a brief author bio to maheshwari.shubhamm@gmail.com. We will promptly respond with publishing details if your article aligns with our guidelines. We look forward to collaborating with creative minds from around the world. Together, we can enrich our readers' knowledge and insights.